Playboy magazine pictures mafia 2

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Below, you'll find information on how many Playboy Magazines are found during each chapter, with a brief write-up and some screenshots that tell you and show you where to look.īut we haven't stopped there. Naturally, that's where our guide comes into play. Unlike the 159 Wanted Posters you have to find, which are found in the game's sandbox, the Playboy Magazines have to be found during the events of one of the game's fifteen chapters, and can often only be found on a specific chapter.

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There are fifty in total, and while the game takes place from 1945 to 1951 (in other words, before Playboy Magazine even existed), they are still important collectibles to find if you're going for 100% in-game completion. No, we're not being sickos here - this section of the guide covers the Playboy Magazines that are found in Mafia II.

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Welcome to the Playboy Magazines section of our Mafia II guide.

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